Saturday, September 25, 2010





Yeah, I'm writing in this thing for the first time in ages. To be perfectly honest, I just forget about it a lot. It's not like I have motivation for writing in it. My friends never write anything about how awesome I am anyway. I feel like I deserve at least ten paragraphs single spaced and flushed left about how my personality is like a delicious earthquake in everyone's fuckparts. But whatever. I can deal.

I have been so insanely busy. I work till 2 am two days of the week and have class at 9, and it makes me wanna just sleep whenever I have free time, so that limits my time for homework and the like. Plus a five hour lab thing that's basically a final exam every week. With this THING as a lab partner.

Guys, don't get me wrong. He's a nice enough guy sometimes. But honestly, if ONE. MORE. TIME. If I have this blond, crusty, fritos-inhaling beer-guzzling cellulite titan try and order me around this lab just because he's some semblance of a teensy bit STRESSED I am going to stuff dynamite in his cockhole.

I'm not really that angry about it, I swear.

I'm listening to this song called "Hattem Groove" written for the carillon. I've been up there a lot lately playing a bunch. I'm not sure why, but every time I get stressed out I always get an urge to go up there and bang away. Hot. And omfg, I just found a video of someone playing Gaga's Bad Romance on the carillon. I am finding that music. And I am doing it. Cannot wait.

I am rooming with Lan Chi this year. Did I say that already? I think I did. I felt like I described her at some point. Oh well. All you need to know is that she's a ho. A fun ho. But a ho nonetheless.

Thoughts for the day:

* George is obsessed with Magic

* Ben won't stop biting any parts of his hands that he can get his... hands on

* I get little to no work done in my own room. I get distracted by the different kinds of coffee I can make.

* What the fuck is a winter lantern.

* Miami Subs is pretty good and has interesting specials

* Oh my god that girl looks like a dilapidated leather purse

This is a really long blog post for me. I'm proud of myself. I feel empty though. But that's okay. A quick phone call can solve that, bahahahaa cry.

Yours truly,

My Pet Rock


PS. I guess I'm not really yours truly, cause it's MY pet rock. Fuckers.


Ursa Bowers said...


It's good to have you back.

Now. Follow my blog so it appears higher up in the google rankings. If you do this before Lan Chi does, you get a cookie.

A... sex?... cookie???

Sylvia ;) <-- The wink is to make this whole comment sound more bawdy than it really is

Ursa Bowers said...

write more.

douche. (this is not name-calling... it is an imperative.)