Friday, December 5, 2008


Uhm...yes. School is almost over, and finals are next week.

So basically my whole mindset is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGOIWGWMEG OH MY GOD Hoihawiefh ooh I wonder if MoeJoe is open HSAOIMGAWIEG coffee equations HFIAWJEGAWGEWAJGA i hate people

You see what I'm getting at.

I can pretty much average-rape my finals and get As/Bs...except Math. whooooo doggie.


Bookish.Spazz said...

I'm making a 14 in my math class right now..... O.O

but A's and B's in everything else.

chelsea said...

Oh yeah, gotta love college for that reason. I too can basically flunk (by my standards anyways) my finals and pass. This is definitely good since lately I have had the focus of a walnut.