Friday, October 23, 2009



There's this kid who sits next to me in biochemistry. Bagel kid sits on the other side of me, and we nicknamed this other kid Chuckles. Since that's what he does. I talk, express my brilliant wit and humor, and he chuckles. Until today, what's made him laugh the most is when I said something about how Kanye West reminded me of the HIV protease.

Well, today. I was wondering aloud why this fellow (a very boisterous, know-it-all ex-military so-called "non-traditional" student who clearly likes hyphens) in our class always dresses as if he's about to be deployed.

Chuckles died. He almost fell out of his chair, turned redder than a genetically engineered tomato and almost started hyperventilating. While giggle-snorting.

Now, I didn't think what I said was all that funny. Maybe it was my mastery of delivery and inflection, or my choice of words. But Chuckles actually turned to me and said "That was the best thing yet, and you've said some very off-the-wall stuff." Made me blush a bit.

That's the first thing he's said to us all semester. Never mind the fact that as soon as we heard his voice, Bagel kid and I kinda looked at each other and telepathically said "GAY." So maybe that's why he's sitting next to us all the time. And maybe that's why he wears designer clothes, designer shoes, and protects himself from the designer rain with his designer umbrella.

Bagel kid and I have made it a competition thus far--Who can make Chuckles lose it more often. I'm winning.

Also, I just realized I mentally jump all over the place when I'm writing these entries. I should try to write something that's coherent and adheres to a single topic. Someone give me one.



jumira-wings said...

I love this post! And now I'm sad that I'm not in biochemistry class with you...

I wanna meet this Chuckles.

Oh and "designer rain"? Hahahahaha.

chelsea said...

Chuckling is such a weird verb.

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