Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I couldn't bring myself to put the whole thing as a title.

My physical chemistry teacher is so cute (Just now, I wrote "trasher" instead of "teacher" and I have no earthly idea why). Her accent is all...cute. Emit becomes ameat. teehee.

ohmygodohmygod I have no idea what to do. Divine wisdom, please ship yourself to me. I need packages. Big ones.


chelsea said...

MIne can't even do basic Calculus.

jumira-wings said...

Omigosh! I just read over your posts and I wuv them! I didn't know that you were still writing this or else I would have followed it more closely. Or followed it at all. Anyway, YOU ROCK and as for your blog: WRITE ON, MY FRIEND, WRITE ON!

P.S. Pun there in case you didn't get it. :P